Q: I own a bar & restaurant site in Birmingham. We do not have any entertainment except recorded music permitted on our premises licence. Many of my customers, avid Aston Villa fans, are asking if I will show the FA Cup final this month, Saturday 30 May 2015. I would like to show the match and I have the appropriate hours on my licence to sell alcohol and open for the match, however, are there any other permissions I may need on my licence, such as Films?
A: As to showing the match, assuming there are no conditions on your licence to the contrary, you do not need to have films permitted on your licence, as showing live TV is an exemption to this requirement and not a ‘regulated activity’. Whilst checking your licence conditions, see if there are any other restrictions which may affect how you wish to operate. For example, if you wish to sell alcohol to customers who are just there to watch the match but will not be having food, make sure there is no ‘restaurant condition’ on the licence, for example, ‘alcohol may only be served ancillary to a table meal’ which could affect how you wish to trade. Also any pub or bar which shows live television must be covered by a valid TV Licence (if there is living accommodation on the premises where a TV is also in use, this must be covered by a separate licence). Additionally, I assume as you already have recorded music on your licence you will have the relevant PPL and PRS licences in place.
As a final note, be aware that you may attract a new crowd to watch the football, or your regulars may be staying with you for longer during the evening, and you should ensure you can manage the change in operation and, if necessary, undertake a risk assessment, including the need for door supervisors.
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