Q: I was wondering if you could please advise on a matter involving Personal Licences that are due to expire in 2015. We have a number of Designated Premises Supervisors who hold personal licences that will expire next year and to avoid the last minute stampede we would like to be as prepared as possible. Are you able to advise on what the proposed renewal process is and when we should get started on this?
A: Following impending changes to the law, no personal licence holder will need to renew their licence. The government has recently introduced a section in the Deregulation Bill which will remove the requirement to renew a personal licence. This Bill is expected to become law before the first date on which a personal licence becomes due for renewal next year, and resultantly, no current personal licence will need to apply for renewal and their licence will no longer have an expiry date. In short, your Designated Premises Supervisors will not need to renew their personal licences next year. .
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