Q: I want to start a 24 hour alcohol delivery service from my pub. As I have an existing premises licence that authorises off-sales, I assume this is allowed?
A: To a degree, although there are some important considerations. Firstly, under licensing law the sale of alcohol is deemed to take place when you select the alcohol following an order, so if you take a telephone order for six cans of beer at midnight and select them from the shelves at 12:15am, your licence needs to authorise sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises at least until 12:15am.Secondly, you need to have an adequate age verification system for taking telephone sales to ensure you are not selling alcohol to under 18s.Thirdly, it is recommended that you ensure that you only deliver alcohol to someone who can prove that they are over 18. Remember also that it is an offence to sell to somebody who is drunk, and as the sale is deemed to take place when you set the alcohol aside (i.e. after the telephone call) you may be unable to tell whether somebody is drunk.In summary, therefore, be sensible with any late night telephone alcohol service and if in any doubt about the sobriety or age of the caller or recipient of the alcohol, refuse the sale/delivery. The Guidance advises that you should also contact your local Licensing Authority to discuss whether there is a need to vary any of your existing permissions or conditions
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