Q: I own and manage a pub in the city centre and my premises licence authorises activities up until 1am the following day. However, I do not think I have permission for late night refreshment on this premises licence. A lot of my customers have asked whether I would be willing to provide hot drinks such as coffee and tea as well as the alcoholic drinks we offer, and after further thought I think this is a good idea and something that I wish to offer. I am not looking to serve food, so do I need any additional licensing permissions?
A: Between 5am and 11pm if you wish to provide hot drinks such as teas, coffees and hot chocolate, etc. then you can without any licensing permissions. However, if you wish to provide any hot non-alcoholic drinks (even where you will not provide food) between 11pm and 5am (in your case I presume between 11pm and 1am the following day), then this is classed as Late Night Refreshment and you will need specific permission on your premises licence. It is worth double checking your existing premises licence to see if there is any current permission for Late Night Refreshment but if not, you will need to make an application to add this activity, which you may well be able to do by way of a minor variation rather than a full variation.
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