Q: I own a café with a premises licence authorising licensable activities up until 22.30 and closing at 23.00hrs. I have been told that on Saturday 11th June the Government is extending the licensing hours to 01.00 for all premises, to allow us to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. Is this correct?
A: It is right that the Government is extending the hours for licensable activities for the Queen’s birthday celebrations on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th June 2016.
However, this applies only to on-licensed premises already authorised for licensable activities up to 23.00hrs. All conditions on the premises licence continue to apply.
Unfortunately, as the terminal time for your licensable activities is 22.30, your premises cannot benefit from the Government ‘relaxation’ and therefore if you want to extend your hours you will have to do so by way of a Temporary Event Notice.
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