Q: I have been running a small pub and have recently taken on the tenancy of a second pub 5 miles away. I am the only Personal Licence Holder at either of the pubs, and want to remain the Designated Premises Supervisor both at my current pub, and at the pub I am taking the tenancy of. Is this allowed, or should I employ a second Personal Licence Holder?
A: There is nothing to stop you in law being a Designated Premises Supervisor on two licences (as opposed to Scotland, where you can only be a Designated Premises Manager on one licence).
The Police, who will be the ultimate arbiters of whether or not to object to you becoming the Designated Premises Supervisor at your second pub, will need to be satisfied that you have sufficient day to day control of the two premises, and that you are able to uphold the four licensing objectives. In this particular instance, I would suggest that you are in such a position because you only have the two pubs, they are both yours and you have the ultimate say. Different Police forces may take a different approach but, in the circumstances you describe to me, I would not expect it to be an issue for your Local Police Licensing Officer.
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