Published: by Hannah Price
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“A takeaway has been fine more than £10,000 for serving a takeaway dish to a customer with nuts, even though the customer made the takeaway aware of the nut allergy.
The order was made on the Just Eat service to Koh Thai Tapas in Salisbury, with the customer including in the notes that there was an allergy to nuts. Despite this being received by the takeaway the message didn’t get to the kitchen, and the dish was prepared without this in mind. The customer had an allergic reaction to the nuts.
This type of case brings a stark reminder to the food industry of the importance of having robust processes and procedures in place to ensure that all allergy information is given to the kitchen.
Information sharing of this nature is vital to keeping customers safe. Fortunately in this instance the result could have been far worse, and the customer realised very quickly (after just one mouthful) that the dish contained nuts, which limited the effects of the reaction. Had the customer not have realised, the outcome could have been far more serious.
Customers need to feel confident that when they order food and provide information about their allergy to the food provider, that the food they are served with does not contain that allergen. In the last ‘FSA Public Attitudes Tracker’ of those taking part, 11% reported having an allergy and/or food intolerance. These customers need to know that they are safe consuming food in your premises.”
For further information about health and safety legal issues contact Associate Hannah Price on 0115 953 8500 or click here to email Hannah.
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