Premises licence
Non-licensable activities
14 February 2013
If I want to book a comedian do I need to change my premises licence?
My premises have failed a test purchase – what are the implications?
22 November 2012
We have two failed
Music & noise
Under the Live Music Act can I have amplified music up to 11pm?
01 November 2012
Can I have amplified music in my beer garden under the Live Music Act?
Local Nighttime policing unit are issuing Section 27 Notices.
13 September 2012
What is a Section 27 Notice and who issues them?
Police Licensing Officers has suggested I join Pubwatch?
30 August 2012
Is this something I have to do?
Festivals & Entertainment
Private Party Rules
02 August 2012
Will I have to comply with my licence conditions for a private party?
Premises licence
Premises Licence Summary on Display
12 July 2012
Am I complying with the legislation and
Festivals & Entertainment
Rules for functions at private members’ clubs
28 June 2012
Can we offer our function room for private hire?
The Law and supplying drinks to staff
10 May 2012
Can I supply drinks after permitted hours to my staff?
Festivals & Entertainment
Pool and darts poser – is it regulated entertainment?
26 April 2012
I want to provide a pool table and a dartsboard for customers.
‘Yard of Ale League’ worry
05 April 2012
I have heard that under the Mandatory Conditions yards of ale are not banned outright
Name change NCPLH to APLH
04 November 2010
NCPLH becomes the APLH