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Premises licence

When it is right to refuse service

19 March 2015

Refusing service and denying entry are always tricky issues - here is our overview of the main legal and operational…

Music & noise

If music be the food of pubs…

19 March 2015

PPL and PRS licences are required when playing recorded music in public


Judicial clarity on determination of whether a statutory nuisance exists

18 March 2015

The London Borough of Newham recently appealed by way of case stated against a decision by Magistrates during a prosecution…

Licensing hours

Beware of the clocks changing

12 March 2015

Make sure your premises is in a position to trade legally when the clocks move forward

Festivals & Entertainment

Latest on entertainment law

26 February 2015

The emphasis in the future will be even more focused on the effects of alcohol consumption, not the playing of…

Premises licence

Variations to the premises licence

26 February 2015

Tops tips to consider prior to lodging your variation application

Agency Workers and Vicarious Liability

28 November 2014

Where a company provides another with its employees on a temporary basis the question arises which is the ?employer' and…

Premises licence

Are Licensees Responsible for Drink Driving Customers?

28 November 2014

Are Licensees Responsible for Drink Driving Customers?

The interim steps question resolved

28 November 2014

High Court Ruling that interim steps imposed on summary review remain in force pending appeal

Temporary event notice

Temporary Event Notices and Christmas / New Year’s Eve

10 November 2014

Beware - Christmas Eve falls on a Wednesday

Late night levy

Wetherspoons Late Night Levy variation granted

12 October 2014

National operator retains later hours subject to condition


The implementation of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014

12 September 2014

Operators requiring continuation licences must submit applications by 16 September 2014

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