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Licensing Authority’s Role in the Crime and Prevention licensing Objectives

28 April 2016

The authority's role is not to establish guilt or innocence


Victory for the Dice Bar in the face of 404 pages of evidence from the Police

25 April 2016

No Action Taken by the Licensing Committee in Police application for Review


Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) issues three year strategy

19 April 2016

Agenda issued to reduce gambling-related harm

Employing Illegal Workers in Licensed Premises

15 April 2016

High Court restore Licensing Authority Decision to Revoke Premises Licence

Music & noise

Noise Impact from Existing Businesses on Residential Developments

31 March 2016

Potential noise must be assessed before offices are changed to dwellings

Cumulative impact policy

Cumulative Impact Policies – Onwards, Upwards, Outwards

17 March 2016

Cumulative impact policies can be extremely difficult to overcome


Commercial Bingo in Pubs

10 March 2016

It's not game over for bingo

Festivals & Entertainment

Royal Birthday Wishes

10 March 2016

Top Tips to consider for Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations

Licensing hours

British Summertime

08 March 2016

Top tips on how to switch safely to summer hours

The role of the DPS

25 February 2016

Selling alcohol without a licensed DPS could lead to a jail sentence


Self Service Taps…Possible pitfalls of ‘tapping’ into DIY

14 January 2016

Key points to consider if want to install self-service taps?


Latest information about how the AWRS might affect you

02 December 2015

Here's the latest information about how the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme affect you

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