Measuring Down
Do I need to stock 125ml glasses?
Private entertainment
Am I too late to apply for a temporary event notice?
I can’t find my licence
What do I need to do if I cannot find my personal licence?
Can I trade until midnight?
Can I use Temporary Event Notices to extend my terminal hour?
I want to start a 24 hour alcohol delivery service from my pub
Do I need to update my off-sales licence?
Personal licences and bankruptcy
Will my personal licence be affected if I am made bankrupt?
Do I need to vary my premises licence?
I have a tables and chairs licence - do I need to vary my licence to sell alcohol?
Personal licence application poser
I am moving to England (from Scotland) can I apply for a personal licence?
Personal licences due to expire in 2015
What is the renewal process for personal licences?
Removing outdate and obselete conditions
Changing conditions on a licence
Separate licences for a joint venture
Can I operate a table-dancing venue under my partners premises licence?
Lapsed Licence
The licence is held in a limited company which has been dissolved