Acquiring a Bar
What licensing enquiries should I make?
Free, or not to be free
Do I need to provide free drinking water?
Out with the old…
What if I have old Licensing Act 1964 conditions on my licence?
Hot drinks at night
Ensure late-night refreshment is allowed
Extending my premises
What do I need to consider?
Immigration Act 2016 and Crime Act 2017
Clearing up the guidance
Conviction for Drink Driving
Will this conviction affect my application for a Personal Licence?
Premises Licence Application Advert
Which newspaper is suitable to publish my application notice in?
Race Night
You can hold events where participants stake money on live, recorded or virtual races
Dealing with a noise complaint
Local residents are complaining about noise, what should I do?
Personal Licence and SIA (Security Industry Authority) Licence
Do I need to tell the authorities about an assault charge?
Taking advantage of a global alcohol trend
Here’s what you need to know about delivering alcohol to homes