Events for Christmas
Proceeds from raffles must be spent on prizes
Exempt gaming in pubs
What is the maximum stake?
Playing cards
Can my customers play cards for money?
Using Wi-Fi for Betting
Should I be preventing this on Licenced Premises?
Adult Gaming Machines in Pubs
Can I Use These in Licenced Premises That Allow Children
Race Night
You can hold events where participants stake money on live, recorded or virtual races
Pub Betting Regulations
Can customers log into their own mobile betting accounts whilst sat in my pub?
What gaming can take place in my pub?
Being new to the licensed trade, what do I need to check to ensure I am legally sound for gaming…
Village Fete Charity Raffle
How do I go about holding a raffle to support the fundraising efforts?
Stake and prize limits for equal chance gaming
What are the limits?
Information on gaming machines
What information should my gaming machine show?
Betting in pubs
Are bookies allowed to operate from my pub?