Helpful Licensing Ideas
I am looking at ways of generating income in January but I am struggling to think of ideas. January is…
January Sales
Can I run a drinks promotion in January?
Conviction for Drink Driving
Will this conviction affect my application for a Personal Licence?
Christmas party time
Can we hold our Christmas Party at an unlicensed venue?
Can I be a DPS at more than one premises?
Do I need to employ a second Personal Licence Holder?
Take right sales measures
Don't fall foul of the mandatory conditions
Licence for hire
The organisers of a wedding event wish to use my Premises Licence.
Variation of Premises Licence – Extending Hours
Local residents may lodge an appeal to the grant of my licence - will I be at risk of having…
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Am I at risk of losing my premises licence?
Evidence deadlines for hearings
Can I produce evidence on the day of the hearing?
Can I serve an Officer who is on duty?
Where does the onus fall?
Jazz Festival
Are there any restrictions I need to consider?