Premises licences

A range of ‘Licensable Activities’ will require a Premises Licence

The activities that are regulated in England and Wales by the Licensing Act 2003 are:-

  • The sale of alcohol
  • The supply of alcohol in a qualifying club (previously a registered club)
  • The provision of regulated entertainment
  • The provision of late night refreshment

One or all of these activities can be included on any permission.

In order to provide licensable activities you are going to need one of three types of permission.

  1. A “Premises Licence” will be the most common and may authorise the sale by retail of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the sale of hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am. Such licences will be held by pubs and nightclubs, restaurants, off licences, supermarkets, theatres, cinemas etc.
  2. A “Club Premises Certificate” will be used for the supply of alcohol to members and guests of the club and the provision of regulated entertainment within the club
  3. A “Temporary Events Notice” will be used to permit the sale by retail of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment, the sale of hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am on a temporary basis. Important: this has a limited use and must be carefully checked.

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