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Licences & Certificates

A guide to off sales ‘easements’

A detailed guide to help understand off sales 'easements' On 22 July 2020, to make it easier for businesses to…

Other forms of licences

Playing recorded music or showing films/DVDs will require additional licences If you have music playing in your premises, music DVDs…

Appeals and Judicial Reviews

You can appeal against the decision of a licensing committee   Licensing decisions in the first instance are made by…

Club premises certificate

The Club Premises Certificate is the mainstay of a club's operation Without a Club Premises Certificate the club will not…

Personal licences

For the first time there are two separate licences; one for an individual and one for the premises. A Personal…

Premises licences

A range of 'Licensable Activities' will require a Premises Licence The activities that are regulated in England and Wales by…

Mandatory conditions

Further changes were made to the mandatory conditions on Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates on 10th October 2014 Some…

Application Fees

Here's our guide to calculating Application Fees Bands The fee payable to the Licensing Authority for applications depends upon the…

Absence of a personal licence holder

Authorising your staff to sell alcohol It is recommended that Personal Licence holders give specific written authorisation to individuals that…

A guide to notices displayed at licensed premises

A detailed guide about how to display notices at a licensed premise A Guide to Notices Displayed at Licensed Premises…

Insolvency or death


Breaching your licence

Breaching your licence can result in an unlimited fine and/or six months in prison Being a Premises Licence Holder, Designated…

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